With the evolution of industrialization, globalization with prudent liberalisation, & technological upgradation, individual`s life-style has been changing. Individuals with particular type of genetic inheritance are predisposed to sure diseases trigerred by life-style existing factors.
Diet, life-style & environment are three important determinants related to cause of diseases. Inadequate intake of nutritional foods, consumption of junk foods & beverages,such as, tea, coffee, alcohol have lessen the power & stamina needed for defensive mechanism of the body. Environmental pollution is the corollary of industrialization & deforestation, which have endanger the health of the inhabitants. Individuals are dedicated to long working hours, working in night shifts, & with no physical operation have lead to sedentary life-style. They are engaged with reasoning tension & anxiety,striving hard to maintain with the prudent & group circumstances of the society. They no ifs ands or buts adapt to unwanted habits,such as, smoking, alcohol consumption & intake drugs to relax stress. These all perpetuate & accentuate the process of disease in the individuals, which they come to be no ifs ands or buts susceptible too.
Hiv Antiretroviral Drugs
Diet rich in cholesterol & saturated fats raises the plasma cholesterol level, which builds atherosclerosis of the arteries attractive high risk to coronary heart disease.other contributing factors complex are, such as, insufficient regular physical activity, contentious stressful life-style with typeA personality behavior, use of contraceptives, cigarette smoking, & diabetes. Texas heart form estimated coronary heart disease affecting practically 13 millions of Americans with consequences of high mortality rate.
Increase intake of fat in excess of utilization gets stored in the form of unneeded vigor in fat cells, which give rise to disease health called obesity.Obesity involves high risk factors to diseases,such as, type2 diabetes, heart disease, osteoarthritis, & cancer.
The international diabetes federation estimated amount of diabetic patients in India more than doubled from 19 million in 1995 to 40.9 million in 2007. High incidence of diabetes is generally because of sedentary life-style, that is, lack of physical activity, obesity, stress, & consumption of diets rich in fat, sugar, & calories.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is fourth important cause of death in the united states causing long-term disability with more than 12 million been diagnosed. Emphysema & persisting bronchitis are caused by heavy cigarette smoking, inhaling substances,such as pollutants-smoke, fumes, & microbilogical infections.
Stoke is a healing emergency, characterized by rapidly developing loss of brain function due to disturbance in the blood contribute to the brain caused by thrombosis,or haemorrhage in the blood vessels. It is especially seen in individuals with complaints of high blood pressure, high cholesterol count, smoking, diabetes, & expanding age.
Human immunodeficiency virus (Hiv) is of prime interest,because the depot of infection is human. Who reported 33.4 million people living with Hiv / Aids worldwide in 2008, & only about 4 million Hiv sure people having access to antiretroviral therapy.
Chronic renal failure can be detected as an growth in serum creatinine or protein in the urine, especially in those suffering from high blood pressure & diabetes.
Alzheimer`s disease is a moderately progressive disease of the brain,that is characterised by impairment of memory & finally by disturbance in reasoning, planing, language, & perception. Most patients form this disease after the age of 70 years, however, 2% - 5% of patients form in the fourth or fifth decade of life ( 40s / 50s).
In many countries of the western world along with the United states,cirrhosis is one of the ten important causes of death attrributed by the implication of alcohol abuse.
Cancer has been the amount two cause of death. Cancer of prostrate, lung, colorectal bladder, non-hodgkins lymphoma are reported in males. Females suffers from cancer of breast, lung, colorectal, uterus, & ovary.
Assessing Life-Style DiseasesRelated : hiv antiretroviral drugs