'When he created man in the beginning, he left him free to make his own decisions.' Sirach 15:14
Contraception as dictated by religious dictators is immoral and I have to wonder where on earth are they seeing the information to validate this theory. As the Bible is the hallmark and guiding post for living with respect and with fear of God's words I have searched it studied it and have not found any sign of God inducing hell fire and brimstone on anything regarding life. Jesus told the Jewish leaders they were making life too difficult with all their rules thus preventing citizen from enjoying the fruits of God and loving one another.
Hiv Antiretroviral Drugs
The most commandment is to love one other after the love of God and if we bind to those two we shall not go wrong. How straightforward can that message be: 'to love one another'? Yet the mini dictators of religious entities have declared war on mankind who dare to avail of the leisure to enjoy sexual copulation without worrying about pregnancy. Must be retarded men who devised these orders; yes indeed!
Statistically speaking there are huge numbers of children dying all over the world because of educated ignorance. I say educated ignorance because the leaders of our world should know best than to allow this travesty to continue. To educate is to lead forth so how many of us are authentically truly educated if we are not important forth or allowing others the resources so they may lead forth.
Over one million children in the Us are starving because of wee resources. Every day in some angle of the world twenty four thousand children die of starvation. Every day nearby the world a child is sold into the hands of buyers belonging to human trafficking organisations because the parents need the money to articulate the rest of the family.
Uganda has two point five million orphans with over a hundred and ten thousand estimated with Hiv/Aids. We are talking about children here in a wee neck of our world and they need Art = Antiretroviral Therapy. Any way in order for the drug to be sufficient certain criteria need to be in place and this is where the clinics in these centres bear fruit.
Thanks to Concern and other huge charities aid is being given but it is like having a cube of ice in the Amazon and expecting it to last all day. We can send men to the moon and fly the universe yet we cannot do something for the majority of the world's poor and uneducated people. All God ever asked of us is mercy, justice, faith and love; He never asked us for sacrifices, they were the suggestion of earlier people! To reduce children like we are doing now all over the world is a great and horrible crime of crimes; and we say Hitler was bad!
In essence everything is life or a life form like for example water and air. The same applies to eggs and fertilization if they are not allowed co-mingling then life is not killed but prevented and how on earth can that be immoral. We are urged by God to be responsible and be true to self thus it truly makes sense to encourage the facts and forget the fiction of intangible possibilities.
Spontaneous lovemaking is far more attractive then planned lovemaking and it is rather doubtful that God is seeing down on us nodding his head in anger because we are happy and responsible. Meanwhile we have to know He is seeing down with sadness as children die of starvation, malaria, Aids etc. Thus it makes sense to ratify appropriate prevention methods as a more desirable solution than thrusting zillions of children into horrible situations.
Let us choose life over death always, but let us choose accountability as a prelude to nonsensical rules that harbour pent up emotions causing disasters that could be prevented. A foresight of happy smiling children is more preferable to a foresight of children dying senselessly in murky situations. 'Enjoy happiness and do not reject valid delight when it comes your way.' Sirach 14:14
One of the most anomalies of faith regards the variations of trust in God. Jews, Christians and followers of Mohammed believe in God and as such believe in loving one other yet representatives of these are complex in brutality, murder and wars... Makes authentically no sense at all and one has to wonder have they buried their heads in the sands of ignominious ignorance instead of blessed enlightenment.
To the rest of us let us enjoy life and live life to the fullest while praying for those misguided followers of misguided practices, rules and traditions.
Useful tip: boil the water fully if you desire to enjoy a truly splendiferous cup of tea, hot water does not cut the muster!
Troubles Come And Go Therefore Live And Enjoy LifeMy Links : hiv antiretroviral drugs