There are several types of medicine for citizen with Aids-related lymphoma. Patients can choose to succeed a thorough medicine or one tested in a clinical trial. The clinical trial medicine studies the body's reaction when administering new drugs to patients who suffer of cancer. This explore study helps scientists to enhance the new drugs or helps creating a more effective medicine which will replace the thorough treatment.
These trials take place in many clinics from the country. Selecting such a form of medicine implies a decision that regards the patient, its house and the health care team.
Hiv Antiretroviral Drugs
A patient that has Aids -related lymphoma will be harder to treat that a non Aids-related due to the weakened immune system. The medicine is made for lymphoma as well for Aids. In treating Aids doctors use highly-active antiretroviral therapy because the virus that causes Aids is a retrovirus. The medicine for lymphoma is made with lower doses of drugs than in the thorough procedure because the immune system will be damaged even more in case of administering the doses for a non Aids associated lymphoma patient.
One of the procedures applied on citizen with cancer is chemotherapy. Chemotherapy tries to stop cancerous cells from growing or dividing. There can be used oral drugs or drugs injected into the vein or muscle that will reach the cancer cells by entering the bloodstream, and is called systemic chemotherapy. Other type of chemotherapy is the regional chemotherapy when the chemotherapy is located directly into the cancerous area, like: spinal column, an organ or inside the abdomen. The medicine is applied concerning to the cancer's type and evolution stage.
After this type of medicine is done stem cells previously taken from the patient's blood or bone marrow or from a donor will be thawed and substituted through an infusion, in order to restore the body's blood cells destroyed by the chemotherapy.
Another type of cancer therapy is the one based on radiations. For killing the cancer cells, there are two types of radiation therapy used: one is the external therapy meaning that a engine situated near the body will forward radiation towards the cancerous area; the second formula is the internal therapy based on radioactive substance sealed in needles and catheters that will be located in the sick area of the body. The appliance of the radiation therapy also depends on the cancer's type and evolution.
A new type of medicine which is still tested is the use of monoclonal antibodies. These antibodies are made from an immune system cell and are designed to seek and destroy all the substances that can help cancer cells to grow and develop. This medicine seems to be quite effective, but more tests need to be done before its mass use.
medicine for Aids involved with LymphomaRelated : hiv antiretroviral drugs