Monday, January 24, 2011

A uncut article of South Africa

History of South Africa:

Diversity is a major highlight of South Africa, where 11 languages are officially adopted, community leaders are made up of rabis and chieftains. Traditional healers ply their trade nearby the corner from stockbrokers and where housing ranges from mud huts to palatial homes with swimming pools.

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Important facts:
Until 1914 South Africa was ruled by a white minority government which was so considered to hang to power that it took activists most of the last century before they succeeded in their fight to get rid of apartheid and increase democracy to the rest of the people.

The apartheid government:

The white came to power in South Africa the year 1914 and enforced a separation of races with its policy called apartheid. It ensure that black and white people should not live in the same communities trip in separate buses and stand in their own queues agreeing to their colors. The white government introduced grand group engineering schemes such as resettlement of hundreds of thousand of people. It poisoned and bombed opponents and encouraged issue in neighboring countries. The apartheid government finally negotiated itself out of power, and the new leadership encouraged reconciliation.

But the cost of the years of violence will be paid for a long time yet, not least in terms of lawlessness, group disruption and lost of education.South Africa faces a major problems, but having held four thriving national elections as well as local pulls since the end of white rule, a democratic culture appears to be taking hold, allowing people at least some say in the hunt for solutions.

Most of the farmland is still owned by the white people.

Having so far acquired land on a willing buyer, willing wholesaler basis, officials have that large scale expropriation are on the way. The government aims to change 30% of farmland to the black people by year 2025.

South Africa has the second highest amount of Hiv/Aids patients in the world, nearby one in seven of its citizens is infected with Hiv. Free antiretroviral drugs are available under a state funded scheme.

A uncut article of South Africa

See Also : hiv antiretroviral drugs



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