Friday, January 7, 2011

So What's The Deal With Sea Vegetables Anyway?

Are Sea Vegetables truly one of nature's most nutritious super foods?

This examine has recently been the topic of much moot in health circles. I set out to research sea vegetables and contemplate what they literally are and how they influence the body.

Hiv Antiretroviral Drugs

Firstly, we must first understand what sea vegetables literally are. The term "sea vegetables" is ordinarily written off as a marketing term, a fancy way to sell sea kelp or seaweed. However, sea vegetables are very dissimilar from basic sea kelp (or seaweed). Sea kelp is the world's largest and fastest growing marine plant, often growing as much as two feet per day. Sea kelp grows in depths of up to 150 feet and comes in many varieties.

Sea kelp belongs to the brown marine algae family and possesses large leafy fronds that are supported by air-filled gas sacks located along the columns. Sea kelp, when handled correctly, can be nutritious. However, kelp is very rich in iodine and iodine overdose can consequent if it is taken in large doses. For this reason, a good marine alage supplement will mix sea kelp with actual sea vegetables. Sea vegetables are red, brown, and green marine algae that occur in more shallow inter-tidal areas. Over 30 species of sea vegetables exist worldwide. They tend be delicate, leafy plants and are rich in more than 200 vital trace marine minerals.

The sea vegetables act like a sponge. They soak up the rich nutrients of the seawater and sun to make the sea mineral bio available. Thus, when humans ingest sea vegetables, the sea minerals are literally assimilated into their systems. Seawater possesses a similar chemistry to human blood. Therefore, sea vegetable intake is like receiving a permanent transfusion of the basic elements of life that humans need to be healthy.

So what makes good sea vegetables and how do you get them?

Throughout my research, I discovered that 90% of the world's longest living individuals shared one thing in common: A diet rich in sea vegetables. The elders of the Philippines, the Northern Islands of Japan, and Korea all claim to consume as much as 9000 milligrams of dissimilar sea vegetables daily. For them, sea vegetables are a staple in their diets. Generally, they cook the sea vegetables before eating them.

Unless you drink the broth, up to 90% of its nutritional value leaches out during this process. So, the good news is that you can get away with ingesting as little at 1620 milligrams of sea vegetables daily to get the same effect. The most efficient way to ingest sea vegetables is via a capsule. The elders that attribute their long life spans to a daily intake of sea vegetables say that you need to eat a mix of red, brown and green sea vegetables. They also assert that sea vegetables have dramatically dissimilar mineral article depending on the season. "Spring is best, that is when ocean has the most nutrition."

Toyo Hokado of Japan revealed in an interview. The elders advise the same types of sea vegetables over and over again: Wakame and Arame (very similar to North American Bladderwrack), Sea Lettuce, Rockweed, Dulse and Kombu. They say the blend of these types is the key to maximizing their benefit.

What are the quantifiable health benefits of sea vegetables?

Besides living to 100, the health benefits of sea vegetables are wide and varied. The most measurable benefit to one's health is the balancing of body pH to 7.5 and maintaining a healthy thyroid. Thyroid imbalance affects millions of people and can lead to weight gain, lack of energy (lethargy), weight loss, lack of sexual desire and goiters. Sea vegetables are known to feed the thyroid and return it to a healthy operating level. Once your pH returns to a healthy 7.5, your cells assert full integrity and stay full of fluid. healthy cell integrity helps to boost the immune function. Many people who take sea vegetables report getting sick much less.

Uc Berkley and Uc Davis completed a study that ended that a diet rich in sea vegetables can cut the risk of breast cancer. They described the method of activity as development the midpoint woman's menstruation a day longer each month. This leads to fewer menstruations over the course of a lifetime, and thus less exposure to the hormones that cause breast cancer.

Preliminary studies are underway in Africa for using sea vegetables, namely Dulse, as a way to suppress the Hiv and herpes viruses adequate to prevent transmissions. The doctors doing the study also claim that sea vegetables may enhance the efficacy of the antiretroviral drugs in use.

Lastly, eating sea vegetables produce the visible benefit of development hair skin and nails appear more youthful.

So What's The Deal With Sea Vegetables Anyway?

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