Thursday, December 30, 2010

An exciting Introduction to psychology - first Lifespan development

Characteristics determined by facts coded on a person's genes are called Genotype, while phenotype refers to a set of observable and measurable characteristics (e.g., eye color, intelligence) that construct from an interaction between a person's genetics and their environment. The idea that genes set boundaries within which environment determines what phenotypes will occur is referred to as Range of reaction. The time-frame while which a living organism is biologically prepared to obtain confident behaviors, but is only able to do so with the proximity of appropriate environmental stimuli, is called Critical/Sensitive Period.

Maturation refers to patterns of development that are genetically determined and are influenced very slight by the environment. Canalization is used to reveal characteristics that are rather resistant to environmental forces, taking a narrower developmental path. The fact that children have been starting puberty sooner is one example of a Secular trend which is defined as long-term differences across cohorts that indicate the impact of environment on development. The heritability index is used to assessment the degree to which a confident characteristic can be attributed to genetic factors.

Hiv Antiretroviral Drugs

A someone with Phenylketonuria (Pku) disorder lacks an enzyme necessary for the digestion of the phenalalanine amino acid, which remains toxic to the brain in its undigested form and leads to severe reasoning retardation. Huntington's Chorea is an incurable neurodegenerative genetic disorder that affects muscle coordination and some cognitive functions is an example of an autosomal dominant gene disorder. Down Syndrome (trisomy 21) is caused by an extra number 21 chromosome and is characterized by moderate to profound reasoning retardation, abnormal corporeal features (flattened face, protruding tongue, stocky build), heart abnormalities, and thyroid dysfunction. Klinefelter's Syndrome is caused by an extra X chromosome in males and leads to incomplete development of secondary sex characteristics; Turner's Syndrome occurs in females when all or part of the second X chromosome is missing and causes sterility, short stature, stubby fingers, and undeveloped secondary sex characteristics; fragile X Syndrome occurs in both males and females and is caused by a weak site on the X chromosome, important to reasoning retardation, facial abnormalities, and abnormal speech.

Environmental agents, such as drugs or infections that cause abnormalities by interfering with normal prenatal development are called Teratogens. while the Embryonic duration (end of second week after understanding to end of eighth week) of fetal development is a teratogen most likely to cause a major structural blemish to a developing organ. Symptoms of Fetal alcohol syndrome, a health caused by a pregnant mother's heavy alcohol consumption, consist of retarded growth, microcephaly (underdeveloped, small brain), facial deformities, hyperactivity, irritability, and reasoning retardation; when only some of the symptoms are gift (e.g., lower Iq and hyperactivity), the health is referred to as fetal alcohol effects. A pregnant woman undergoing antiretroviral therapy is significantly less likely to transmit Hiv to her child while the gravidity process when compared to woman not receiving the therapy. The chance of Hiv transmission from mother to baby when undergoing antiretroviral therapy is reduced from 25% to 2%.

An exciting Introduction to psychology - first Lifespan development

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